About the Santa Fe Data Platform

Open data projects like the Santa Fe Data Platform provide data that anyone can access, use and share to support smart public policy, sound use of taxpayer dollars, and innovative strategies to grow the economy.

In Santa Fe, a collaboration of public and private funders launched this project to support data-based decision-making for the future health, prosperity, and equity of Santa Fe.

Today the platform comprises five primary dashboards: Our Residents & Housing, Public Health, Economy & Innovation, Climate Resiliency & Sustainability, and Tourism. As we continue to grow, we will add new dashboards to gather data about Santa Fe into comprehensive, meaningful reports and help stakeholders get an even broader, deeper, more comprehensive look at who we really are as a community.

All of our dashboards include thousands of indicators about our community, along with easy-to-read reports covering the topics that are most critical to Santa Fe. These convey complex information in the simplest and most accessible way possible, so we can all make better decisions about our community and our lives. 

 About the People

The Santa Fe Data Platform is run by a core team of Santa Feans who are passionate about (and let’s be honest, nerdy for) the multitude of data that illuminate who we we are as a community, with guidance from a team of strategic advisors who’ve made expansive contributions to and investments in Santa Fe’s future.

Our Core Team

Cyndi Conn

Cyndi Conn


Cyndi brings her expertise in community planning, convening, and problem solving to lead the Santa Fe Data Platform. An independent consultant dedicated to leveraging the power of innovation and the arts to build better communities, her insights and extensive local relationships are key to this project's partnerships and evolution. 

Carl Germann


Carl Germann is the driver of the Santa Fe Data Platform’s back end. He collects, curates, and compiles data for stakeholders, presenting it in fresh, beautiful reports that make it not only meaningful and easy to parse, but a pleasure to look at. He’s also always on lookout for new data to pull into our local dashboards and spotlights.

Heather Hunter


A marketing and communications strategist, Heather is excited to support the Santa Fe Data Platform through communications, marketing, partnership development, and whatever else needs to be done. She’s a “get it done” kind of person who loves a new challenge.

Our Strategic Advisors

Heather Balas, Senior Consultant at Issue One

Allan Oliver, Executive Director at Thornburg Foundation

Nelsy Dominguez, Principal, c3 Perspectives Consulting

Rich Brown, Director, Community Development, City of Santa Fe

Randy Randall, Executive Director of Tourism, City of Santa Fe